How Customers Can Help you Build Credibility, Trust and Confidence with your Buyers

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  • Determine Your Success Metrics and Set Expectations
  • Identify Your Customer Advocates and Start Getting Reviews
  • Advertise using customer reviews

Determine Your Success Metrics and Set Expectations

Before collecting reviews, decide how you’ll measure success. Before gathering reviews, do this. Will you judge based on the number of reviews, an increase in your Net Promoter Score, the number of leads influenced by reviews, or something else? If you decide in advance, you can tailor your review program to produce the success you want and benchmark your objectives more accurately.

You should also set company expectations and determine the types and number of review program resources. Determine who will lead the review program, how many people will work on it, and how much time each will spend.

Identify Your Customer Advocates and Start Getting Reviews

Find customers who are willing to review your product or service. To start, take a broad approach. Prospective buyers are most interested in reviews written by people similar to themselves in use case, industry, company size, or role. To ensure a large turnout, cast a wide net. You can add an email to user onboarding sequences to prompt reviews after 2-4 weeks (or after they have completed a certain number of actions, such as setting up three projects in your project management tool, etc.). This email can prompt users to write reviews.

Follow up with people who interact with your brand via email or social media. They’re great reviewers.

Advertise using customer reviews

Having genuine customer reviews written about your product is an important step in gaining potential customers’ trust. After collecting customer reviews, you can use their words to influence your copy, social media, and other marketing strategies. Simply put, all of your communications should use the same language as your customers.

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