The Power of Email Personalization

In the context of email marketing, personalization refers to the act of tailoring an email campaign to a specific subscriber based on the data and information you know about them. It may be their initial name, the most recent thing they purchased, where they live, how many times they log into your app, or a variety of other details.

Personalization is a broad phrase that encompasses a wide range of sophistication. Email customization can be as simple as using a subscriber’s name in the subject line, or as complex as modifying the content of an email based on a subscriber’s gender, location, or other information you have about them.

Personalizing your email marketing is a proven strategy to boost open and click-through rates, as well as raise your ROI and income. According to studies, emails with tailored subject lines are 26 percent more likely to be opened than those without, while Rich Relevance discovered that personalized emails generate 5.7 times more income.

The fact that personalized emails are more relevant to subscribers accounts for these results. Rather than receiving a campaign with generic offers and message, your subscribers will receive an email that is personalized for them, includes their name, and contains offers (items, promotions, etc.) that are relevant to their interests.

Tactics for Email Personalization with Advanced Sophistication

Marketers with specialized use cases who are employing customer journeys and automation, as well as other, more advanced methods, can leverage customization techniques to create a highly tailored experience by combining data from several sources. They could be collecting information about customers through their email service provider, CRM, e-commerce platform, website behavior, and other third-party apps.

With this wealth of data, marketers can use behavioral segmentation to create dynamic categories based on a customer’s interactions with their brand across different channels.

For more skilled marketers, this is a game changer because it eliminates the continual, manual data maintenance part of email segmentation and personalisation. It’s the cornerstone of a highly customized strategy.

Product endorsements

Marketers can leverage customer behavior to create relevant, engaging email campaigns that boost purchases through cross-selling and up-selling product recommendations that are merchandised to each unique recipient in your email list by incorporating a customer’s recent purchases or browsing history into their email marketing.

Retailers and e-commerce sites may now simply generate one-to-one customized content that talks directly to the individual in order to build a long-term relationship and boost the customer’s lifetime value.

Brooklinen sends an email with photographs of things the customer looked at but didn’t buy, reminding them that the sheets they liked are still available with a simple call-to-action button. There’s even a deal for free shipping.

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