5 Email Marketing Trends for 2022

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There have never been more marketing options than now—TV, radio, billboards, websites, social media, etc. Despite this, 80 percent of marketers agree email marketing is still one of the most effective strategies. Let’s take a look at some trends you need to watch out for on email marketing in 2022

1. Customized Emails

Sometimes low-hanging fruit is just that. Personalizing and segmenting emails—a marketing technique that allows you to target specific subscribers—can yield significant returns. Email segmentation allows you to target specific groups of subscribers, increasing your click-through rate.

The difference between “Dear [First name]” and “Dear valued customer” is huge. A personalized greeting can increase a transaction rate by six times, but 70% of brands fail to personalize their emails.

Customize your call to action with personalization emails (CTA). Focus on buyers and their roles within organizations. When a marketing director opens your email, their goals and perspectives may be completely different. Their engagement and conversion rates increase if you provide a unique CTA for each group.

2. Drip Campaign

A drip campaign is a series of scheduled marketing emails sent after a specific event. To convert prospects into leads, and then customers, these campaigns can be used. Drip campaigns can convert up to 98 percent of qualified leads.

An email drip campaign can be set up for a new subscriber, resource download, or demo request. This action triggers your drip campaign workflow, which sends a follow-up message at a predetermined interval.

It could be something as simple as not opening your last few emails, not logging in to your service for a while, or downloading a product without the tutorial or related resource. These drip campaigns can help re-engage customers who have become “stuck” in the customer lifecycle.

3. Campaigns Interactive

With all the pings, alerts, and beeps competing for customers’ attention, the average human only has an eight-second attention span. This makes interactive content more important than ever.

Your email campaign should have engaging content at every stage. 93% of interactive content educates the buyer, nearly 25% more than non-interactive content.

Customers are more likely to engage, learn about your product, and buy if you use interactive campaigns.

4. Funnel Ads

It focuses on spending time and money on the most valuable, profitable returns. (Email marketing is a good platform match for 67 percent of the buyer journey.)

Full-funnel campaigns also consider the marketing funnel’s evolution. The old school thought a funnel had a top, middle, and bottom where customers entered and exited after purchasing. Pre- and post-purchase phases have evolved into a customer lifecycle.

Customer lifecycle phases can be skipped or repeated.

5. A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a powerful marketing tool. In other words, it compares two versions of the same email campaign.

A/B tests typically focus on one variable at a time, such as background color, to test ways to improve conversions. A/B testing compares deliverability, open, and click-through rates between two versions.

Email segmentation is useful for A/B testing. It allows email marketers to test similar sets of customers to ensure reliable results and eliminate random results. Without a strategy, random changes will result in skewed or useless data.

In Conclusion

Marketing automation with a customer-centric strategy can produce amazing results. Budgeted at $43 per $1 spent on email marketing, This is because email marketing automation can target and guide readers at various points in the buyer journey.

Email marketing can be a powerful revenue generator. Do you use any new email marketing strategies? Share your stories in the comments.

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