Spamming vs. Cadence – Knowledge For Email Marketers

With much more than three hundred billion marketing emails that are delivered every day, savvy brands across the globe are one of the leading core upping the ante in order that is able to achieve the desired “cut-through” that they require from their digital comms.

And while it is now becoming more increasingly difficult for the marketing departments to get that particular answer they yarn for, to land that conversion-led piece of content that they require against an overwhelming backdrop of the online ‘noises’ the statistics evidence of just how much important a piece in the jigsaw that email marketing is.

There is no doubt at all that this form of communication takes the pride of the place in a modern day marketer’s toolkit. After all, if you have carefully crafted and a highly engaging email it can enable the savvy professionals to strike up an initial, and also often all important, conversation with a customer or a prospect.

However, when a recipient is requiring an average of a six touchpoints before they make their purchase, content that is sent out blindly and without any relevance can be a total waste of time for the both parties, both the marketer and the consumer who wasn’t even interested at all in receiving the message in the first place.

As customers’ the needs on daily bases evolve in a digital-first world, their demands have shone a light and make a path on how marketers have to be more sophisticated with their campaigns now and that includes marketers having to get rid of the bland ‘batch and blast’ emails that are mainly being sent to a large audience that does not feel listened to or do not understood the brand you present.

Brands should be able to utilise the marketing automation data to help them understand when to increase cadence
With such an intelligence at a marketing department’s fingertips, this will create a stronger idea of the optimum email cadence, for per person, and per category. When this is been established, such a data provides mail servers with more additional detail as to whether previous emails have been received by the recipient – therefore having to help a brand’s messages to avoid the Spam folder, in this process.

The easiest way that people can understand this further is to think of the mail servers as allocating a ‘credibility score’ to the brands. And, similar to lead scoring, the higher the rate number in other words the more engaged the recipient will be, the greater the company’s email marketing integrity will be.

However, marketers who have failed to deliver the email cadence in line with audience engagement, are not only risking the damaging of server credibility, but customer loyalty and brand reputation too. And this is no longer the time for businesses to be left behind by other the organisations that have already embraced marketing automation and now understand their customer on a more granular level.

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