How to select recipients from your Gmail address book

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When sending an email to a big group of people, it is useful to use a contact list to select the individuals who will receive the message. You can include as many recipients and groups as you want to the email in order to create a message for each one of them.

Instructions on how to manually select email recipients in Gmail

Gmail simplifies the process of sending an email to a contact. When you put an email address in a message, Gmail proposes a name and email address for you to use. In order to choose which people to email, there is another way that you can utilize, which is to use your address book. Furthermore, you begin by sending a new message, or replying to or forwarding an existing message.

  1. Depending on how you want the message to be delivered to the recipients, choose To, Cc, or Bcc from the message box drop-down menu.
  2. In the Select contacts window, enter the names of the people who will receive the email. To choose contacts, either navigate through your address book or use the search bar on your computer’s screen.
  3. When you’re finished, click the Insert button.
  4. Compose the email message.
  5. When you’re finished, send it off.

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