When Should You Post To Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?

Social media is vital to your digital marketing campaign. With more users, social media has become a hotbed for business opportunities. Using social media effectively can increase engagement, drive traffic to your website, and turn fans and followers into paying customers.

Sadly, that is not as simple as it seems. A social media manager must consider factors like target audience, location, social media channels, user behavior, and content type. Timing is crucial because on social media, timing is everything. So, when is the best time to post on social media? This article will teach you when to post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • When to Post to Instagram
  • When to Tweet
  • When to Post to Facebook

When to Post to Instagram

Instagram, the popular image-sharing app, has evolved into one of the world’s most popular social networks. Instagram now has over 700 million users. Impressed! Sadly, that isn’t what makes Instagram special. Instagram is unique in that it has over 400 million daily users. That’s 57 percent of daily users. Instagram has the highest user engagement among popular social networks.

How could you benefit from increased user engagement? To do so, you must know when to post on popular social media. There is a significant drop on Sunday and a slight increase on Monday and Thursday. So post on Instagram on Mondays and Thursdays. The best time to post is between 8am and 9am, but if you want more video views, post at 9pm.

Time is not the only constant in social media marketing.

When to Tweet

Twitter, the popular micro blogging platform, has over 328 million active users. According to a Constant Contact survey, 60% of brand followers will recommend or buy your products, and 50% will sign up for your services. Using Twitter effectively can easily increase sales. Celebrities and influencers are mostly on Twitter, making it easier to find them for network marketing. With low marketing costs and the ability to communicate and keep customers informed, Twitter becomes a powerful social platform for businesses.

Notably, success comes from tweeting at the right time when your target audience is online. When should you tweet on Twitter? Depending on your industry, the best time to tweet may vary. During the weekdays, B2B tweets perform 16 percent better than B2C tweets. Twitter engagement peaks at 5 p.m., between 12 and 6 p.m. You should tweet on Wednesday and Friday. Use tools like Moz’s Follower Wonk to dig deeper into follower engagement patterns.

When to Post on Facebook

Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site, has over 2 billion users. Yes, two billion users. Zuckerberg made a brief announcement on his personal page. Do you know what it means? Facebook is used by over 26% of the world’s population, or one in every four people. That’s Facebook’s size. Can its huge user base help you? Posting at the right time on Facebook.

When should I post on Facebook? Many studies show that the best time to post on Facebook is between 1pm and 4pm on weekends. Posting at 1 p.m. on Facebook gets the most shares, while posting at 3 p.m. gets the Thursday and Friday posts got 18% more engagement, while Saturday and Sunday posts got 32% more. You can also use Facebook Analytics to see when your audience is online. To do so, go to your company’s Facebook page’s Insights tab and select Post. It will help you understand peak and trough times.

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