What you need to know about HubSpot

HubSpot is one of the world’s largest providers of marketing software. Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan founded the company in 2006, and it has grown to serve 56,000 customers of all sizes while spreading the inbound marketing methodology throughout the world. Their products are segmented into what the company refers to as hubs. While each …

6 SEO Tips to Overcome the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business

The devastating impact of the lethal Coronavirus has spread its roots into almost every niche on the planet. Business, partnerships, upcoming projects, and infrastructure worldwide have been submerged in the water, and this is nothing new. In a similar vein, it has had an impact on both the positive and negative aspects of online marketing …

Customers Expectations and How to meet them

In other to meet up with your customers expectations, there are some things you need to take note. Lets go through some of them below: 1. Trust Trust reigns supreme in all aspects of life. Would you give your money to someone you don’t know and don’t believe in? My wild guess is that the …

Strategy For Your Small Business Marketing

All the small businesses do face challenges, particularly they face challenges in the early operational stage. This is why it is advisable to ask for help from either your peers/mentor who may be way more experienced than you is critical. Tapping into the mind of somebody that is more experienced and has a broader knowledge …

The Small Business Marketing to Next Level

We can all attest and agree that 2020 was a year like no other. For many the companies, it was a year of trial by fire. Some people rose to the top and saw huge record-breaking profits. Others went under and they never recovered. What made some of the businesses in the same industry succeed …

The X Factor of Growth marketing

Amid all the privacy restrictions and even everything, we still have the access to a very huge population of different users that are on the Android that we should be taking advantage of. Instead of you trying to run all the creative tests on the iOS. You can use the Android as a clear way …

Expense Mentality To A Revenue Generator

ou Marketing is just a Revenue Generator, it is NOT a Cost Centre if you get involve in the marketing for any length of time. It is likely that you would have heard something like this before. When it is been viewed this way, the marketing department and also its programs are no longer a …

Marketing Opportunities Within Ecosystem

Finding marketing opportunities that is within a business ecosystem If have settled and you are now convinced that you need to adopt an ecosystem perspective for your marketing efforts to make it better. What next now? Like all the communities, there are gatekeepers and there are barriers to entry. Not all parts of a business …

The marketing strategy and your data

Let us take a holistic approach. Your analytics strategy that you are using should be much the same as your other marketing strategies. Ever-changing and always providing value for you. So, trite but true, it is very vital that you should build a strong foundation for the data-driven business decisions. With the continuous, the incremental …