Tweaking Tools to Better Email Marketing Platform

Abandon Cart Email You can set up your e-commerce checkout in such a way that the email is automatically sent to users who just left the shopping cart without even completing the sales. It is by far one of the best uses of the email marketing. However, it is not still being used extensively, especially …

Tweaks That Improves Email Marketing Platforms

There are some tweaks that can cause improvement to the performance of your Email Marketing Platform Dramatically Switch to Text Emails For a long time we have been told by the marketers and various email marketing vendors to start using the simple drag and drop editors to send attractive emails. A majority of the email …

Small Tweaks Can Make A Big Difference (Automated Email)

Email marketing is the best way for you to build a relationship with your prospects. Despite it being a 40-year-old method, it is still and remains one the most affordable as well as efficient ways for you to reach the target audience. You can just start sending personalized communication to thousands of your subscribers with …

Must Have Tools For Your Email Marketing

But as it is said, it is smart-work that always win over hard work also even when it comes to achieving the desired outcomes. Let’s see some “must-have” tools for your email marketing that makes life just a little bit better and also allow you to squeeze the most out of the program of your …

Measuring the success of your strategy with Facebook analytics

It is said that Successful Facebook marketing requires good maintenance. This is very true as it is not a set-it-and-forget-it situation. The tracking and the measuring are very essential, so you can unarguably understand what worked and what did not work. That way, you will be able to learn, and to tweak, and also try …

Sales and Marketing Emails With This Verifier Tool

The Email verification tools are simply software applications that enables users to have access in verifying if an email address or a list of email addresses is valid or not. You need to ensure that your sales and your marketing emails are hitting Inboxes With a good verifier tool. The TrueMail is one tool that …

Spamming vs. Cadence – Knowledge For Email Marketers

With much more than three hundred billion marketing emails that are delivered every day, savvy brands across the globe are one of the leading core upping the ante in order that is able to achieve the desired “cut-through” that they require from their digital comms. And while it is now becoming more increasingly difficult for …

How Email Can Help Your Business To Scale Economic Uncertainty

Despite the current economic and the environmental challenges in 2020, the reality still remains that many businesses are still making good success due to the recent innovative shifts in the marketing strategies. Those other businesses that have in otherwise taken a conservative approach to the spending of marketing dollars online, are now been thrust into …

How To Write Marketing Emails During Pandemic-Era For Prospects

By now, you have likely heard that people are now spending more time online. This is not a surprise, considering how the quarantine and the social distancing restrictions that is now invoke have affected everybody’s lifestyles. However, as the New York Times analysis revealed, people are not necessarily visiting the same websites that they have …