4 Important Points to Keep in Mind About Email Software Marketing

Professional young businesspeople using tablet computer smiling in office

The email software industry is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after businesses. In which it is likely becoming increasingly difficult to compete in. If you are considering entering this type of industry, you will need to learn a few things in order for your company or email software product to remain competitive in the market. One of these things is email software marketing, which you should learn if you want to succeed in this field. Here are a few pointers that you can use to maximize the effectiveness of email software marketing in order to help your company succeed.

Point 1

Creating enough buzz about your product with the help of email software marketing is very effective. This will ensure that your prospective market is aware that your email software product is available on the market for their consumption. The greater the amount of publicity you generate, the greater the number of clients you will be able to reach. The excitement you generate actually helps to prepare them for any additional email marketing proposals. For as long as you are able to generate enough interest in your products and services that people want to hear from you, you should be in good shape.

Point 2

Make certain that you are constantly adapting to the various changes that your prospective clients may be experiencing. Keep in mind that whatever email software marketing initiative you may have undertaken in the past that may have been successful in the past may not necessarily be successful the next time around, and vice versa. You must be able to deal with change and adjust your behavior accordingly.

Point 3

You should begin building your client mailing list in order to connect with an ever-increasing number of members of your prospective target market. Try to avoid a few bad contact persons because they can have a significant negative impact on your mailing list. It is essential that you are able to connect with those individuals who are interested in what you have to offer them in your presentation.

Point 4

When you send an email software marketing initiative to a prospective client or target market, the first thing they see is the sender’s name and the filename that they receive. Make sure that the filename is something that will entice them to open the file and read what is inside. It should be something that your target market is already familiar with. And they will recognize without having to think about it too much.

Point 5

It is also vital to include the name of your company as well as your own name. Maintaining a professional relationship with them is important. Doing so will make it more likely that they will view your use of email software marketing as a legitimate business transaction.

In Conclusion

Finally, make certain that the content of your email software marketing initiative is something that your target market will find interesting and worthwhile to read. One piece of poor content could cause them to lose interest in your email campaigns. It might results in a tarnished reputation and, potentially, a loss of business.

Three Steps to a Successful Automated Cold Email Campaign

Whether you despise or adore cold emailing, it can be quite effective. And if you’ve ever attempted to send cold emails, you’re probably aware of two things: one, automating these emails enables you to reach a larger audience and achieve greater success. Two, automation is useless if your emails are not personalized. It is possible to send effective, personalized emails by utilizing your email marketing software and CRM platform. Before you begin your cold email campaign, there are a few things you should know.

1. Consistently update your customer data and profiles

Your cold email campaign’s success is highly dependent on one factor — personalization. If you want to personalize an email, you can do so by targeting it at a particular audience or recipient. This is easier said than done — the best way to accomplish this is by manually writing emails.

When you write emails at scale, personalization refers to the use of various pieces of information about a target, such as their industry, company size, location, interests, business goals, and target audience. It is not a good idea to wing it here and send the same email to a company with ten and a company with five hundred employees.

Your CRM platform is almost certainly the central repository for all of your customer data. It’s critical to fill out as many fields as possible in a customer profile. This will require additional work initially, but it will increase the likelihood of conversions from your cold emails.

2. Make sure the right information goes in the right place

The automated cold email process is contingent upon the correct information being entered in the correct location and the correct emails being sent to the correct recipients. To make this all work, your CRM and email marketing applications must work well together. Prior to subscribing to an email marketing app or CRM platform, inquire about its integration capabilities. Additionally, there are solutions that combine CRM and email functions into a single platform.

Most importantly, you want to ensure that all fields in your cold emails are properly filled out and that the emails are sent to the appropriate audience segments. Even if you’re confident that your tools work well together, always send a test campaign to ensure that the emails look good and that every field is correctly filled in.

3. Master the art of follow-up

Unfortunately, cold emailing is not as straightforward as sending one email and waiting for conversions. Typically, it will take several follow-up emails to a first email before a human being responds. To ensure a successful follow-up campaign, remind the recipient of the value and nature of the product or service you are providing. Then, send emails at reasonable intervals that are not intrusive or annoying.

Write your emails in advance and establishing rules for follow-up emails. For instance, if no one responds after a week, consider sending a second email to those recipients reminding them of your initial message. Once you receive a response from a real person, you can and should respond independently.


Automation can significantly simplify your cold email marketing campaigns. However, you may need to do some legwork at the start of your cold email campaign. Always keep your data up to date, check that your systems are functioning properly, and master the art of follow-up. If you follow these steps when preparing for your cold email campaign, you will have completed the majority of your work.

4 email analytics concepts that you should become familiar with

Email marketing is, by far, one of the most profitable methods of reaching your target audience. Unfortunately, creating a successful email campaign isn’t always as simple as it appears, especially if you’re new to the world of email marketing.

There are numerous metrics that you will need to keep track of in order to ensure that they remain on the right track.

Are you unsure of where to begin? We have all of the information you require. Let’s take a look at some of the email analytics that you should be aware of.

1. Open Rate

It should come as no surprise that the number of people who open your emails is one of the most important metrics to consider when creating a marketing strategy for your company. Even if your audience does not read the entire body copy of your message, you can still expect them to take the desired action.

In most cases, the headline of an email has a significant impact on whether or not people are compelled to open the message. The ideal headline will differ significantly depending on the industry you work in. And the demographic of your target audience, so it is critical that you test a large number of different variations.

One of the most effective methods of accomplishing this is to divide your audience into different groups and use different headlines for each group. After that, you can determine which headline performs the best.

2. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of emails you send that do not make it to your intended audience. You can refer to these emails as “bouncing” back to the sender in this situation.

The majority of the time, messages fails to reach their intended recipients because a server is down or because an inbox is full. Although it is rare, an invalid email address (or one that simply does not exist) can contribute to your overall bounce rate in some cases.

Because it artificially inflates the total number of consumers you are able to contact, it is important to remove these email addresses from your email list as soon as possible.

3. Click Rate

The click rate metric, as the name implies, measures how many recipients of your email click on a link is within the email. Using this method, you can determine how effective your email marketing campaigns are in a remarkably objective manner.

However, it is important to remember that having a large number of clicks does not always equate to having a large number of conversions. Sending emails with a low number of clicks, on the other hand, is far less advantageous.

4. Consumer Conversion Rate

In marketing, a conversion is a specific action that you want your customers to take. Because you already have their contact information, email marketing conversions are typically focused on sales. However, because you already have their contact information, email marketing conversions are generally centered on sales.

You should gear your marketing emails toward increasing your conversion rate in order to generate the most revenue possible. By including a strong call-to-action, you can increase the number of people who take the desired action.

The format of your email is also important. A more streamlined, scannable formats is preferable over long blocks of text in most cases.

What you need to know about HubSpot

HubSpot is one of the world’s largest providers of marketing software. Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan founded the company in 2006, and it has grown to serve 56,000 customers of all sizes while spreading the inbound marketing methodology throughout the world.

Their products are segmented into what the company refers to as hubs. While each hub has a unique focus, email marketing software is a component of the larger Marketing Hub. It’s a robust solution that’s tailored to the lead nurturing and sales conversion needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Features and Functionality

HubSpot includes many of the standard email marketing features you’d expect, such as built-in templates, open and click-through reports, and contact lists. Additionally, it enables you to create automation workflows, pop-up windows, and dynamic content. These are beneficial, but only scratch the surface.

1. Native Forms

Native forms can be added to nearly any HubSpot-tracked page. Progressive profiling, custom CSS, smart fields, dependent fields (that appear/disappear depending on how previous fields were filled), custom domain blocking, and more are all possible.

2. Visual automation workflows

HubSpot includes a visual automation builder that enables you to visualize how other elements interact. You can create anything from straightforward follow-up sequences to intricate lifecycle emails that guide prospects through each stage of the buyer journey.

3. A/B testing

There is no way to determine what works until you test it. The straightforward A/B testing system enables you to create and test hypotheses, as well as improve the metrics that are most important to you.

Test subject lines, calls to action, email content, and formatting to ensure that campaigns are optimized to the fullest extent possible.

4. True drag and drop editor

While many email marketing tools claim to include a drag and drop editor, they fall short. HubSpot is one of the few companies that fulfils this promise. Drag and drop content blocks into your email, then customize it until it’s perfect.

5. Templates

HubSpot includes a library of templates that are accessible via the website. And you can upload them to the email marketing platform. Due to the way templates are distributed, it’s difficult to determine the exact number available.

There are newsletter templates, blogging templates, public relations templates, comarketing templates, and sales templates. The benefit of these templates is that they are constantly being updated and are designed to be customized. Customizing them for the first time may be a little challenging, but once you get the hang of it, the process is a breeze.

6. Ease of Use

The app itself is intuitive, has an easy-to-navigate interface, and includes numerous help touchpoints.

One of the ways HubSpot makes the tool so simple is by making useful suggestions while you work. For instance, there are suggestions for email composition and offer creation for your popups.

7. Customer support

HubSpot takes customer support seriously because it understands that this is how you retain customers over time. It includes an insightful blog that will help you grow as a marketer, video tutorials for each feature, and 24/7 phone support.

Due to the support’s responsiveness and expertise, online reviews consistently rate it highly.

Final Word

HubSpot is a market leader in marketing software for a reason. It has developed into a robust tool that elevates even inexperienced marketers to professional status. With the email marketing component, you can send timely, personalized messages to your contacts on a mass scale, guiding them closer to a sale.

It includes the standard reporting, dynamic content, segmentation, opt-in forms, and contact lists. Additionally, you can access advanced functionality such as automation workflows that connect the entire customer lifecycle, A/B testing to continuously optimize your campaigns, and native forms that enable you to collect critical information while delivering a unique experience.

While HubSpot excels in a variety of areas, there is no escaping the fact that it is expensive. Taken together, HubSpot is an excellent tool for email marketing, but the cost will deter many prospective customers. If you want to take your email marketing to the next level while also integrating it with the rest of your marketing workflow, this is an investment worth making.

6 SEO Tips to Overcome the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business

The devastating impact of the lethal Coronavirus has spread its roots into almost every niche on the planet. Business, partnerships, upcoming projects, and infrastructure worldwide have been submerged in the water, and this is nothing new. In a similar vein, it has had an impact on both the positive and negative aspects of online marketing hubs.

After COVID, here are 6 SEO hacks to help you improve your online presence.

1) Combine Empathy with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Because of the rising levels of panic and stress buying during the COVID crisis, online businesses that provide health tips and mental support, as well as branding, are on the move.

In this way, using optimizations to offer support through posts, comments, and blogs on mental fitness can improve your brand’s credibility as a tool to operate SEO after COVID can improve your brand’s credibility.

Any intelligent SEO course or Digital Marketing course will instruct you on how to format your content in accordance with the current needs of the market.


2) Incorporate relevance in order to move forward

All types of search engines serve as branding tools for businesses. SEO practices have remained unchanged since COVID. The key is to customize it to meet your specific requirements. Despite the fact that people may not use your product, they are constantly browsing the internet.

Contributing to the lifestyle during these times, such as providing tips to stay fit and maintain mental sanity, can increase interest in your niche among those who are looking for it. Sharing safety messages with customers and optimizing keywords to match their current mental state are all examples of tactics that can be used to mitigate the negative effects of COVID on SEO performance.


3) Create a customized SEO strategy that incorporates collaboration and networking

All businesses that operate solely through the internet will be forced to close their doors. After COVID, SEO will come to your aid and save the day. It is now time to learn all of the techniques that different SEO Courses have to offer and create a customized action plan tailored to your website’s needs.

Because people now have more time on their hands to respond to requests for collaboration, networking has become significantly easier. This increases your chances of getting guest blogging and backlinking opportunities.


4) Effective reinforcement of expertise and Brand Authority

As a result of optimizing the effects of COVID on SEO, guest blogging has become your go-to strategy. In these times of helplessness and inactivity, people are constantly on the lookout for interesting material to read.

Providing SEO-friendly content on your own and your host websites can assist in increasing traffic even when the markets are closed.


5) Incorporate actionable insights into demand analytics

With COVID, you’ll have plenty of time to experiment with all of the complex tools taught in SEO courses. You will now be able to conduct a demand analysis for your product to obtain references in the foreseeable future.

These will be extremely beneficial in assisting your company to recover from a potential slump. Your knowledge of how your customers behave in the event of a pandemic will be up to date at all times. As a result, the rate of production can be determined in the appropriate manner.


6) Take advantage of this time to develop your content bank

Consumers’ search and behaviour patterns have changed as a result of the current economic climate. As a result, you should begin utilizing this time to create content for your top and mid-funnel landing pages.

This will provide you with an opportunity to generate and persuade more leads who enter the funnel by presenting the products/services as if they were useful in the future. You will appreciate having a leg up on the competition if you have a large stockpile of quality content.

Customers Expectations and How to meet them

In other to meet up with your customers expectations, there are some things you need to take note. Lets go through some of them below:

1. Trust

Trust reigns supreme in all aspects of life. Would you give your money to someone you don’t know and don’t believe in? My wild guess is that the answer is “no.” If customers don’t trust you, don’t expect them to hand over their money to you in exchange for it. That is all there is to it.

What is the best way to build trust?

Follow through on your promises: If you say you’ll call, make the call. If you say you’ll respond in two hours, then respond in two hours. Sometimes things happen in life, and there may be a variety of reasons why you are unable to keep your promise. Be forthright in informing your customers of what has transpired.

i. Communications

Make sure to keep your customers informed of what is happening at all times. When you see people in their 30s with grey hair, it’s mostly because they don’t know what they’re talking about. Be adaptable to the various social media channels that your customers may prefer. Always respond in the same manner, whether it’s through Facebook, e-mail, Twitter, phone call, or another medium. Double-check that the information about your company is consistent across all channels. If it isn’t, it causes people to become confused, which is detrimental to your company’s success. In Shipitwise, we experienced the same issue for a brief period of time following the pivoting. Lots of people had a different understanding of what it is that we do in reality.

ii. Make an investment in customer service

Your CS team will have the most contact with your customers. Show them how to solve problems in a constructive manner. Train them on how to deal with people who have varying personalities. Every single member of your team serves as a brand ambassador for your company. It is essential for every individual to be motivated and to feel valued in their work. They take your vision and ideas and sell them outside of the office. It is more expensive to have naysayers on your team than it is to put your time and effort into developing your team members. Can you really afford to have unhappy employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs?

iii. Keep your product/service from being forced upon your customers

You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Use them in the same 2:1 proportion as before. You should listen twice as much as you speak. It’s something I do on a daily basis. When I believe that my service is not the best option for a particular client at the time, I recommend that they use another service. Your customers remember that you put their needs ahead of your own ego, and as a result, they tell their friends about you.


2. Empathy

You may not always be able to provide a solution for your customer, but you must always be sympathetic to their situation. Always take their emotions into consideration. It is critical that you demonstrate that you genuinely care. Always remember their name and use it to personalize your communication. If there are any problems, which is most likely why they are contacting you, express your regret that the problem occurred.

Prove to them that you understand their frustration and that you are willing to do anything in your power to alleviate their distress. Always maintain your composure, even if they are not. Inquire as to how they plan to resolve the issue so that the customer is satisfied with the outcome. You might get some really useful feedback on what they require to be completely satisfied.


3. Assurance

Your service must be simple to use, realistic, and understandable to the general public. Customers must be confident that they will receive what they have paid for.

Feedback is useful in fuelling the engine. Always ask for it, and make it clear that it is extremely important to you and them that you receive it. Feedback is at the heart of everything. Based on the feedback, you develop your product or service. Remember, our customers are the ones who decide what kind of service they will use and how much they will pay for it. Everything has transformed in the last 10–15 years. Accept it and move on.


4. Tangibles

Everything that the customer can see, touch, and smell is included. In the age of the internet, simply having a digital presence is no longer sufficient. The importance of physical presence cannot be overstated. Customers must be aware of the identity of the party with whom they are dealing. Show your colleagues your workplace, send them birthday cards, meet with them in person, and so on.

As you can see, it all boils down to basic human interaction and communication. Hope you were able to find something that you can put to good use right away and that will help you connect more effectively with your clients. It is essential for your company to have customer with dedicating attitude towards your service. It helps in the long run in achieving success.

Strategy For Your Small Business Marketing

All the small businesses do face challenges, particularly they face challenges in the early operational stage. This is why it is advisable to ask for help from either your peers/mentor who may be way more experienced than you is critical. Tapping into the mind of somebody that is more experienced and has a broader knowledge base will ensure that you learn. And also acquire the skills that you need to make your business very success.

The CallRail offers you different variety of tools that will allow room for the successfully tracking of the analytical data that is crucial for the measuring of the ROI and the strategizing campaigns:


1. The Call Tracking

Instantly you will be able to know which campaign, the ad, or even the keyword that inspired a caller for them to contact your business. The Call tracking software helps you to measure the success of your marketing campaigns. So that you can learn which ones make that your phones ring and which ones are not getting much attention. Measure the online activity such as your social media posts, the emails, the PPC ads, etc. as well as even an offline marketing assets such as the ads, the mailers, the billboards, the brochures, and more.


2. Lead Center

With so many different channels for the customers to use, it is becoming really harder for the small businesses to keep up with the leads rolling in from every direction. The CallRail’s Lead Center helps you to simplify the process. All of your incoming, the active, and the recent chats, the emails, the calls, and the texts are filtered into a single inbox. Every time that a customer reaches out, you will be able to see a timeline of their interactions with your brand.

3. Conversation Intelligence

The highly efficient AI-powered software analyses your calls and also provides recordings, the transcriptions, and the actionable insights. So that you can troubleshoot common website issues or other problems, you can compile frequently asked questions. You can also improve your service, training of staff, and be more efficient with your marketing budget.


4. Form Tracking

You need to monitor your ad campaigns and then illuminate your lead activity by simply tracking which of the ad or which keywords resulted in a lead clicking the “Submit” on a contact form. All the touchpoints are then saved into a seamless timeline. If, for an example, a lead clicked on an ad, a downloaded a report, or submitted a form, and then called your customer service line. Form the Tracking will show you all of those actions.

While the future is still uncertain for many of the business owners. Also having the right tools, the right resources, and the right partners by your side will drastically increase your chance for success.

Adding the CallRail’s smart tools into the marketing agency’s expertise is said to be a very powerful combination that will be of help. And will even give small businesses priceless insights into the marketing campaigns so that they can make sure that every dollar is being spent very well and wisely.

The Small Business Marketing to Next Level

We can all attest and agree that 2020 was a year like no other.

For many the companies, it was a year of trial by fire. Some people rose to the top and saw huge record-breaking profits. Others went under and they never recovered.
What made some of the businesses in the same industry succeed while the other businesses failed? And all of those businesses that have thrives and survived under the unprecedented conditions, how are the business owners now faring today in this new market?

Are they now feeling confident about the weathering new challenges and also their future?

You can still find out that the current state of the marketing in this “new normal” period, the CallRail carried out a survey of about 600 small business owners that are in the United States in the summer of the year 2021, obtaining a powerfully insightful look at the way that the marketing agencies can now start fulfilling their new needs and their new goals of the small businesses in a post-pandemic era.


Key Findings

About 80% of the businesses say that they are now back to fully working, with most of them still citing a full recovery from the pandemic.
And 94% from the small to the medium sized businesses are now looking for the marketing agencies that will be of help to them in improving their post-COVID efforts.
About 96% are now open to increasing their marketing budget and also open to paying agencies more for their services.
The CallRail’s data has presented a unique opportunity for the marketing agencies and for the small businesses to start a partnership with each other and to also have a plan long-term strategies that is designed to help weather the future challenges. You can search for more of this results and get a deeper look.

The Future Outlook of the Marketing for the Small Businesses

The business owners who have participated in the CallRail survey all had a number less than 200 employees. About 56% of the respondents have also revealed that the COVID-19 had negatively had impact on their business, while just about 11% saw growth in their business and 33% did not feel any impact at all from the pandemic.

The future is now looking brighter. About 80% claim that their business has fully recovered from the pandemic, and a 71% are feeling confident that their business is currently well positioned for the long-term growth and success.

A question here is what do most of these businesses have in common?

If you have guessed a marketing strategy, then you are very correct.

Only just 3% of the businesses that was surveyed do not currently have a growth strategy at all in place. The other 97% have a strategy through the next six months just at a minimum.

The respondents have listed the following marketing strategies as a part of their core approach:

1. Social media marketing: 57%
2. Official business website: 49%
3. Email marketing: 43%
4. Blog: 35%
5. Newsletter: 32%
6. Campaign-specific landing pages: 29%
7. Reviews and testimonials: 28%
8. Referral program: 26%
9. Customer relationship management (CRM) technology: 20%
10. Paid search or pay-per-click (PPC): 17%
11. SEO or local search optimization: 15%
12. No marketing at all: 6%
13. Other: 1%

The X Factor of Growth marketing

Amid all the privacy restrictions and even everything, we still have the access to a very huge population of different users that are on the Android that we should be taking advantage of. Instead of you trying to run all the creative tests on the iOS. You can use the Android as a clear way just for you to gather all the insights. Just because the privacy restrictions have not yet rolled out on those devices. The data that is gathered all from the Android tests can now be taken directionally. And it can then you can apply it to the iOS campaigns. It is just for only a matter of time until the Android data is also at the mercy of the data restrictions. So you can make use of this workaround to inform the iOS campaigns.


Conversation Rate

If the running of the Android campaigns is not a viable option for you. Another quick and very easy solution to use is for you to throw up a website lead form. It is to gauge the conversion rate right from the creative asset to the completed form. The experience that the user have will certainly not be nearly and as amazing as the evergreen. But this can still be used to gain an insight for only for just a short period of time.

When you are trying to craft the lead form. You should think of questions that would indicate someone completing your north-star event on the evergreen experience. After you have finished running people through the lead form. You can now send the communications so to convert them, so that the ad dollars are being put to make good use.


Placing efforts by account stage

The testing efforts for the creative asset types should differ widely by the account stage and you can also break it down into the three different stages of I’s: the imitation, the iteration, the innovation.

The earlier for an account stage, the more will be your creative direction should rely on what is proven to work by the other advertisers. These other advertisers that are available have really spent thousands just to prove performance with their assets. And you can also gain strong insight from them. As the time goes by, you can possibly slightly slow the derivation from the other of the advertisers. You can then keep trying to focus on the iterating of the best performers. If the opportunity is eventually granted, and you’ve to place a percentage, you’ll no doubt place 80% of the effort. It should be on the imitation early on. The Iteration will just naturally gain the steam as the winners will just been deemed. And the innovation will also come to be the final of it, the heavy-lagging prong.

We are not trying to say that the innovation can not be attempted early on if there are still availability of great ideas. But generally, it is said that a company that is more than very matured can afford to spend heaps to validate their innovative ideas. Whether it is an in-house design team that you are having or you are working with the freelancers. It will also be very much easier for you to spin up 50 variations than it will be to start thinking of and the design 50 different innovative assets. The Imitating and the iterating will help to make your early testing exponentially much more efficient.

Social Media Marketing Discovery

Do you even know why you are on the social media in the first place? If the answer you have is “because everyone else is on the platform,” then that is the wrong answer. Why? Because it is not a reason that is solid enough to drive your social marketing. Do you want really want to improve your customer service response? You want to increase the brand awareness before the opening of a new location? The social media can help you to achieve this, but first you have to define your motives.

Anybody who has been on the Facebook over the course of a year will know that things are always changing all the time. Recently they had to implement the social graph, which is one detailed way of helping you to search for people on the Facebook with like interests. More recently, the Facebook gave their page analytics feature an overhaul so to make it much more detailed. These kind of changes can impact your social marketing efforts, so you should try to stay on top of them.


Utilizing Opportunities

If your company or your organization is yet to find a way of utilizing the social networks beyond just the Facebook and Twitter, you could be missing out on some new opportunities to connect with their prospects. Different sites and apps like the Pinterest, the Youtube, and the Instagram get tens of millions of hits each and every day. If you just have your social media activities limited to just only one or two social sites, then it might be time for you to investigate how to expand your reach. Be creative. The Picture, the video, and the location-based social sites have really exploded in popularity, so be sure to go where you see that the trends are leading.

Do you just post your content without really paying attention to what the people have to say about it? If so, then you are taking the “social” out of social “media“. It is very important that you interact with fans and your customers via your channels. It is a good way for you to get feedback, the address complaints, and then you can see what you’re doing right.

Improve by gathering data from your audience

You need to do research more about your brand through the audience research. This could be like the social listening methods. You have to search for the keywords that are mostly used by your audience but you should focus on a specific product. The social media can help you in gathering so much information.

The Twitter and Facebook are great social media platforms that you can use for marketing your products or services. These two platforms allow you to monitor and view the insights and the reach of your posts.

If you are using the Facebook, you can view the insights on your page. You will need go to an admin page, and you will see the information next to the cover photo. On the other hand, you can also get the information on the Twitter. The insights are located at the bottom of your tweet.



The Social media is a very effective marketing option for your business. You can make use of it for brand recognition. To be effective, you need to learn how to manage the social media planning and execution.